"We must secure the existence of our race and a future for White children"

Sunday, 7 February 2010

How National Socialism Worked.

Hitlers first challenge was that of unemployment, as well as that of restoring Germany's ruined agriculture...

Saturday, 6 February 2010

Radical Change

    We must demand radical change. Not only that, but we must be the ones to bring about that change. We must change ourselves and give up on the old ways of failure. We must deny all which is harmful to our cause. We must do this with a steely determination and with unflinching confidence. It is the doctrine of National Socialism which offers earthly salvation. So, become a new man and be the saviour of your people!

What is National Socialism?

National Socialism is a Nature and reason based political philosophy. It was first applied in Germany; however, it can be applied by anyone who believes in doing what is best for their own people. There are currently Japanese National Socialists and during WW II there were Arabs who joined the ranks of the SS to do battle against the two headed Jewish monster of Communism/Capitalism.