"We must secure the existence of our race and a future for White children"

Saturday, 6 February 2010

What is National Socialism?

National Socialism is a Nature and reason based political philosophy. It was first applied in Germany; however, it can be applied by anyone who believes in doing what is best for their own people. There are currently Japanese National Socialists and during WW II there were Arabs who joined the ranks of the SS to do battle against the two headed Jewish monster of Communism/Capitalism.

National Socialism looks at things as they really are. For this reason National Socialists do not buy into the big lie that all people and races are equal and the same. Common sense tells us that there are obvious real physical differences and history shows us there are fundamental differences between the races that drive the White Race to be the most advanced and progress producing race on earth. For centuries people knew this simply by observation, before their natural thinking was distorted by revealed religion, governmental dictates, media manipulation and political opportunists. For example, though the Asians are generally highly intelligent, they do not have the spark for discovery and exploration that is unique to the Aryan (White) Race. This Aryan Spark has driven the White Race to explore and to always want to know what’s on the other side of the mountain, what’s across the ocean and even what’s in outer space. Also, it’s an historic fact that when the Whites did cross the Atlantic Ocean and discovered North America, the natives were living in the Stone Age with actual stone arrow heads and tomahawks and did not even have a written language. If all races are the same and equal in ability, why didn’t the Chinese cross the oceans and why were the natives of North America living in the Stone Age? And why has it become taboo to openly speak of these racial realities?
As science makes more progress we are learning the importance of DNA and genetics. DNA can be compared to the code that makes up computer programs. A minute difference in the code causes great differences in the end product of a computer program. The same is true with genetics and DNA. The relatively small differences between the genetic code of the different races makes a world of difference in the final product as can be seen in the appearance between a Black and a White, as just one example. As to the often believed falsehood that Hitler wanted Germany to take over the world, in his book Mein Kampf, Hitler said the White Race, not Germany, should and does rule the world. Of course, in our day and age, the White Race is in retreat around the globe and is in real danger of dying out. On a global scale, the White Race is a true racial minority and is shrinking in numbers every day. National Socialism is based on love of your race/people. It does not call for the murder of anyone who does not have blond hair and blue eyes. Hitler himself did not have blond hair. It would be odd for someone to start a political philosophy that called for their own death!
When people first started to evolve and develop societies and communities it was done for one reason. Adolf Hitler, being the perceptive man of Nature and history that he was, said, “The urge to preserve the species is the first cause for the formation of human communities.” This is an obvious fact. It subtlety points out why White nations who allow huge influxes of non-Whites to live within their borders are in such turmoil. For if people form a community “to preserve the species”, it stands to reason that once there are other races living within such a community there will be conflict. That is why Hitler also said, “One blood demands one government.” This is a National Socialist principle that stands squarely upon Nature and reason.
When government is looked at in this natural light and original purpose/meaning, government serves a very high purpose; the preservation and advancement of its people.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, we need to fight for our race, we need to stand up and face our opponents, not stand back and wait. It's time to do something, and the time is now! Other races are fighting us using the "racism card", and we just back away, why are we so scared to face them and why are we letting them destroy our race? By being friends with other races we are loosing ourselves. We are loosing what's dear to us. They are taking away what makes us white, that makes us unique... Wake-up before it's too late.
